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How To Pick Website Photos That Make Your Website Look More Professional
Learn nine simple tricks the pros use to pick better website photos and make your website look more professional
WordPress Plugin to Categorize Blog Posts Comments
As a blogger and entrepreneur, you want to build strong relationships with your audience by answering their comments and using the feedback you’ve gathered to create better content.
How To Test If Customers Will Pay For The Product You’re Building
You’ve had this business idea for a while now. You’ve even held debates with yourself on whether it’s worth the risk. Not to mention that you’ve been looking for ages to find practical and secure ways to test your ideas. But you still don’t know what the next step is. I know the feeling, I’ve […]
Install Php Code Sniffer on Windows & PHPStorm
Install Php Code Sniffer on Windows & PHPStorm
If you are concerned about delivering high-quality code, compliant with WordPress coding standards, you’d better use an automated tool for these checks. PHP Code Sniffer together with PHPStorm editor is a great and powerful combination as you get all these code checks in real time, as you type your code. There are many great tutorials […]
Practical Gruntfile to automate project related tasks
Productivity! Oh, yes! The ever-elusive goal of a software developer. No matter how much one tries, trivial tasks will aGrunt is a popular tool that assists developers to automate code management actions, but practical applications of this tool are still elusive. In this article, we share our take on using Grunt to process CSS and […]
Parsing email structure with IMAP functions
Have you ever had to parse the structure of an email, which contains html, text and images? Easier said than done 😅 As a developer, you need to examine the email content, extract images or text, and do something with them, like upload the images to the web server or save them to a database. […]
Live Templates Provide Code Snippets Library in PhpStorm
Using Live Templates in PhpStorm, developers insert code snippets and provide values for parameters. For quite some time, PhpStorm has been one of the leading development tools, as it allows developers to apply their ideas into code with impressive speed. Among the features that stand out, PhpStorm’s ability to navigate between files and auto-complete keywords […]
Keyword Density Check: Fast and Accurate
The Keyword Density Check plugin provides the data needed to choose which keywords to associate with your post. When putting the final touches on your post, you frequently ask which keyword should you choose. Alternatively, you wonder whether your option for a keyword is really relevant to the post – some of the important decisions […]
Opening Isotope panel in modal view
We matched Isotope’s innate ability to manage content with the need to display more details in a modal view. The popular Isotope framework for displaying content offers novel ways of arranging elements on a page. Specifically, in this post, we explain how we managed to display the content of table cell under the current table […]
WordPress cron save post with unfiltered html content
WordPress cron save post with unfiltered html content
This applies for method “wp_insert_post” used inside a WordPress Cron. By default WordPress checks if the user has the capability to save unfiltered HTML content if ( ! current_user_can( ‘unfiltered_html’ ) ) { which WP CRON doesn’t have.
PHP Remote file existence
PHP Remote file existence
This is one of the good ways to check if a file exists in a remote location. Another good way to implement a similar functionality is to use CURL.
jQuery, determine if an event was triggered by human or by jQuery $.trigger()
jQuery, determine if an event was triggered by human or by jQuery $.trigger()
That moment when you need to add an additional feature if a click was not made by the user but rather by the code: