WPRiders, a leading global provider of Web development and WordPress programming services, is pleased to announce its expansion into Switzerland with the appointment of Marius Vetrici as its local representative in Lausanne.
During a recent conversation with a fellow entrepreneur, we somehow ended up talking about TV shows we both enjoy. One that came up was MythBusters—there’s just something fun about watching a team use science to bust common myths we’ve all heard. That got me thinking about the top 10 most common WordPress myths that many people still believe—and […]
Only someone that hasn’t run a business website seriously still considers that the work is done when the website is finished.Most of the time, that’s actually when the complex work starts. Always there is something that needs to be done. You have to add new pages, update the old ones, add new products or remove […]
WordPress maintenance packages and plans come in different shapes and sizes. Each WordPress maintenance agency offers different services tailored to their customer needs. For instance, if you are running an eCommerce website, you need close attention to Woocommerce maintenance, payment providers, and ERP integration. At the same time, if you run a local services business, […]
A few years ago, I had a friend who was facing a pretty common business dilemma — she wanted a website for her business, but she didn’t have any programming skills. Knowing my background in web development, she came to me for some advice. That’s when I suggested that she try her hand at building […]
What Does a Business Need in Order to Gain Success? To be honest, your WordPress website needs many things—a capable leader, a well-developed business plan, clear goals, and, most importantly, a great team. While teamwork has many proven benefits, some still wonder, “Who should you trust with your WordPress website?”. Some believe that all a business […]
In today’s world, having a business and no website is like trying to drive a car with no engine. Sure, you can reach your destination if you get out and push your car, but wouldn’t it be a lot easier if you just had the engine in the first place? That’s the power of having the […]
Working in a field for a long time makes you more knowledgeable. It also makes you more experienced over time. With enough experience, you start noticing patterns when dealing with clients. One common pattern in web development is the recurring question: how many plugins are too many? When it comes to websites, many things can and will […]
If your business is growing, then congratulations—you’re clearly doing one thing, or many things, right. But with growth comes more website visitors, and that usually means you need a dependable development team by your side. That’s exactly what to ask when looking for WordPress development services—how to choose a team that supports your business as it […]
When you create a website for your business, you have to think ahead. There are many things to consider—one of them is finding a ggood WordPress development agency . After all, your WordPress developers aren’t like socks that you can just swap out when things get uncomfortable. Choosing the right team from the start will save time, […]
A Trip to the City of Rome Remember the first trip you ever planned for yourself? I sure remember mine. Ever since I was a kid, I knew that one of the first things I was going to do once I started making my own money would be to visit Rome. A city that had […]