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Moving From Software Products to WordPress Services

Moving From Software Products to WordPress Services

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I’ve recently heard a handful o people saying that client work is not that fun and sexy.

I have a few close friends that do make good money out of WordPress outsourcing, however, they are dreaming with their eyes open about building their own SASS or product.

They are craving for recurring revenues.

They are longing for doing what they love to do.

I’ve done exactly the oposite move.

After 10 years and 4 different products launched, I am successfully providing WordPress development services.

I think you can have recurring revenues even with WordPress services.

I think that do what others love is a better approach than do what you like to do.

It’s a presentation I delivered at Bucharest WordCamp in 2016.

Now, I’m curious, have you launched a product?

Are you providing WordPress services?

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