Let’s be honest—a strong online presence isn’t optional anymore; it’s essential. And it’s no surprise that WordPress has become the go-to platform for building and managing websites. But while getting started might seem easy, keeping everything running smoothly is a different story. That’s exactly how a WordPress support company can help you—by taking care of the […]
How do you determine which WordPress maintenance agency is right for your website? We’ve put together ten questions you should be asking the agency representative before signing any contract.
In the following article, you will learn the top 10 reasons you should use a WordPress Maintenance Service for your website if you are serious about your online business. WordPress started as a blogging platform and did a phenomenal transition to an excellent CMS, which now, according to W3Techs, powers 43% of all online websites […]
Get Time on Your Side Our 7 Step Process forMonthly WordPress Retainer A STRATEGIC MASTERPLAN: THE CORE OF OUR PROCESS FOR MONTHLY WORDPRESS RETAINER We always start with a clear goal for your website and a master plan. That’s the foundation of our process for monthly WordPress retainer services—strategic, focused, and tailored to your business needs. If […]
I have a friend who absolutely loves cooking. Every time she invites us over for dinner, she spends half her day preparing three different dishes plus dessert. And not only does she love cooking a lavish meal, but she also enjoys making everything from scratch: the sauces, the pasta, the bread – all of it. […]
Launching your online business successfully depends very much on making the right decisions. Right now, you want your business to have a great website. You also want your customers to have a great web experience. But you dread the fact that creating a website could prove too expensive and time-consuming. You’ve been considering choosing WordPress […]
You’ve just seen an awesome WordPress website and you’re wondering “What WordPress theme are they using?”. When you are creating a new WordPress website, choosing the right theme is a very important decision. Often you’re looking to other websites for inspiration. Remember that one website that really stood out to you? Well, if you’d like […]
About Bucharest WordPress Meetup Bucharest WordPress Meetup is a community of 1054 WordPress enthusiasts at the time of writing, who have regularly gathered together for more than 34 events throughout the previous three years. Marius Vetrici is one of the founding members of the Bucharest WordPress meetup and is the event host. If you are […]
7 years ago, I’ve spent around $200,000 on a product that never took off. That was my own money, earned fromoutsourcing, and I’ve learned some expensive lessons down the road which I’d like to share with you today. Here’s how it all usually begins… Finding the Product/Market Fit Is Very Hard You’ve got an idea […]