Do you think you know what it takes? Okay, I’m no motivational guru, but let me tell you a story about one of my close friends. The guy is a photographer – a highly creative and knowledgeable individual. Every time I talk to him, he tells me about how he’s learning to use a new […]
Launching an online business is great. It’s a shame many entrepreneurs fail though. Oh, and it’s not always due to lack of a proper budget. No. Sometimes it’s because of a large budget. Wait, what? 😮 Yes, you’ve read it right. And as an entrepreneur who has experienced both successes and failures through the many […]
Launching a business online can be hard. So hard that many entrepreneurs give up trying. I know the feeling of helplessness and disappointment this process involves. And I also know that when things seem impossible, there might be a solution waiting for you just around the corner. “Not in my case” you may think. And […]
The concept of mastermind dates back to 1900 when Napoleon Hill introduced it in his books. Mastermind refers to a group of people working harmoniously to reach a common goal. Famous businesspeople of that time such as Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford formed their own Masterminds within their companies, and those groups became the engine […]
About Bucharest WordPress Meetup Bucharest WordPress Meetup is a community of 1054 WordPress enthusiasts at the time of writing, who have regularly gathered together for more than 34 events throughout the previous three years. Marius Vetrici is one of the founding members of the Bucharest WordPress meetup and is the event host. If you are […]
7 years ago, I’ve spent around $200,000 on a product that never took off. That was my own money, earned from outsourcing, and I’ve learned some expensive lessons down the road which I’d like to share with you today. Here’s how it all usually begins… Finding the Product/Market Fit Is Very Hard You’ve got an idea […]
I was recently interviewed by @CarrieDils on how did we scale from Freelancing to WordPress development agency. Here under you can find the podcast: Full Transcript of the Article Male Speaker: You’re listening to the podcast where we put WordPress to work, peek inside the minds of successful business owners, meet amazing people from the WordPress […]
It took me around 12 months to read and internalize the ideas from the book 12: The Elements of Great Managing” by Rodd Wagner and James Harter. I will only say that the authors wrote the book after interviewing 10.000 people on their work job. Full stop. You just need to read the book. The book […]
Do you want to scale up your freelancing activity to a full-fledged WordPress agency business? The good news is that if you succeed, you’ll start enjoying normal holidays without your laptop around, you’ll spend more time with your family and even have some time for yourself. However, there are some critical success factors that need […]
I’ve been freelancing on Codeable for more than 2 years now. I have only good things to say about this platform: They carefully choose the WordPress contractors they work with. There’s a very serious screening process. They are focused on quality, not on price. And this is good for both the customers as well as WordPress […]