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What if strategy wasn’t as complex as people say it is?
History keeps repeating itself. If you ever picked up a history book about World War I or watched any of the numerous documentaries on the same subject broadcast by History Channel, maybe you came across the name of Douglas Haig, a British military commander who led the British forces during WWI. It was the […]
Five reasons why getting a mentor can help your business thrive
The entrepreneurial path is not an easy one. During my first 10 years as a digital entrepreneur, I ran in circles and failed to make some important leaps. The next six years were radically different because I’ve learned to ask for help from the right mentors. Today, I’m mentoring and being mentored by around two […]
Why [And When] Should You Choose WordPress
Launching your online business successfully depends very much on making the right decisions. Right now, you want your business to have a great website.  You also want your customers to have a great web experience. But you dread the fact that creating a website could prove too expensive and time-consuming. You’ve been considering WordPress for […]
How to Clarify Your Message so Customers Will Listen
You’re searching for something online and you find a website that seems to have just the thing you need. Click on it and after a few moments of wandering about, you feel lost and frustrated. You don’t understand what this business is offering: you’ve looked everywhere on their website and you’re still not sure what […]
How Entrepreneurs Can Succeed [Bring A Friend Campaign]
If you feel really happy seeing one of your friends succeed, you are a good friend.  And if you feel awesome when you can help them get there and your contribution is the one that made a difference, you’re an even better friend. We are like you. We want to see entrepreneurs succeed when launching […]
How To Test If Customers Will Pay For The Product You’re Building
You’ve had this business idea for a while now. You’ve even held debates with yourself on whether it’s worth the risk. Not to mention that you’ve been looking for ages to find practical and secure ways to test your ideas. But you still don’t know what the next step is. I know the feeling, I’ve […]
5 Leadership Tips To Manage Your Team Of Freelancers
The rise of the flexible workforce has changed the traditional approach we have towards work. And that is good. Change is good. Nowadays, entrepreneurs, small businesses as well as big companies have the opportunity to hire freelancers in order to minimize the costs of hiring full-time employees, to fill a gap into a company project […]
How Much Does It Cost To Build An MVP? [Complete Guide]
The easiest sport in the world. Have you ever tried searching for ‘the world’s easiest sport’ on Google? Try it. Are you back? Good. You’ll find quite a few articles that feature running among the easiest and least challenging forms of physical activity in existence. In fact, ask your friends the same question, and you […]
Why You Need To Stop Doing What You Love
Do what you love. Follow your dreams. That’s what the media teaches us. That’s what motivational quotes inspire us to do. But, if you are an entrepreneur, it’s time you stopped doing what you love. And do what others love.
Want to build a killer product? It’s Time To Stop Thinking You Have a Technology Problem
Do you think you know what it takes? Okay, I’m no motivational guru, but let me tell you a story about one of my close friends. The guy is a photographer – a highly creative and knowledgeable individual. Every time I talk to him, he tells me about how he’s learning to use a new […]
10 Things To Avoid When You Launch A Product
Launching an online business is great. It’s a shame many entrepreneurs fail though. Oh, and it’s not always due to lack of a proper budget. No. Sometimes it’s because of a large budget. Wait, what? 😮 Yes, you’ve read it right. And as an entrepreneur who has experienced both successes and failures through the many […]
Why Helping 100 Entrepreneurs Succeed Is Our Mission
Launching a business online can be hard. So hard that many entrepreneurs give up trying. I know the feeling of helplessness and disappointment this process involves. And I also know that when things seem impossible, there might be a solution waiting for you just around the corner. “Not in my case” you may think. And […]